Posted by: mentalgardener | March 1, 2008

You Are Not Alone

When it comes to anxiety there is no neon sign on your forehead letting people know that you are experiencing a panic attack or symptoms of anxiety. You can be in a room with your coworkers, freaking out and no one would have the slightest clue that you are feeling anxious. This is actually a blessing and a curse at the same time. This is an example of the duality and paradoxical unity that I talked about in the 2nd Verse of the Tao Te Ching. On one hand you don’t want the people around you to see that you are anxious due to fear of embarrassment and on the other hand you feel trapped and alone with no one to help you.

The truth is that you are not alone. You have friends, family, coworkers, etc… in your life that are there to help you. When your thoughts are moving at 200 mph and you can’t slow them down, talking with someone and “working them out” will help you break the cycle. They will help you rationalize your thoughts and quell your fears. One of the things I did recently was to have my wife and friend remind me that I am healthy. Since people with anxiety tend to focus on the “What If” instead of the facts, having them repeatedly tell me I am healthy was a big help. The repetition eventually drills down deep enough to prevent your irrational thoughts from gaining full strength.

I’m not suggesting to talk to everyone you know about your anxiety. You should speak to people who are positive, rational thinkers. There is nothing wrong with speaking with other people with anxiety, however, if they are the only people you speak with, you’ll just put yourself in a downward spiral. Just like health forums, they are a breeding ground for negativity. Another thing to be aware of is to not cling and become over dependent to the people who you talk to about your anxiety. They are there to give you pushes in the right direction and not to hold your hand 24/7.

So the next time you are feeling anxious and just want to jump out of your skin, give someone a call or go talk to them. That is what friends and family are for, to be there for each other. You don’t have to struggle with anxiety by yourself anymore.

“We do not so much need the help of our friends as the confidence of their help in need.” -Epicurus

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